276 X EXISTENCE THEOREMS (a) Suppose there exists a sequence (un) of analytic mappings of A info B such that UQ(X) = 0 in A and un(x)= U(x, un~i(*))' x in A for n ^ 1,. Suppose in addition that for every compact subset L of A, the restrictions of the un to L form a relatively compact subset of #E(L). Prove that the sequence (un) converges uniformly in any compact subset of A to an analytic mapping v of A into B such that v(x) — U(x, v(x)) - x in A; furthermore, v is the unique mapping satisfying that equation (use (10.2.1) and (9.13.2)). (b) Suppose that in E, A and B are the open balls of center 0 and radii a and b. Let

0, and take 0(0) = 0(0+). Suppose that 0(0) >0 and that the function 77 -> 77/0(77) is increasing in some interval [0, y[, where y ^ 6, and y/0(y—) =^ a. Then there is a unique analytic mapping v of the open ball P of center 0 and radius y/0(y—) into B, such that v(x) = U(x, v(x)) • x in P. 10. Let /, g be two complex valued analytic functions defined in a neighborhood of the closed polydisk P c c2 of center (0,0) and radii a, b. Let M (resp. N) be the l.u.b. of |/(x,y)| (resp. \g(x9 y)\) for \x\ = a and |j| ^ b (resp. for \x\ ^ a and \y\ = b). Then, there exist two uniquely determined functions u(s9 /), v(s, /), analytic for \s\ < a/M and \t\ < &/N, such that (u(s9 /), v(s9 /)) e P for (s, t) in the polydisk Q defined by the previous inequalities and that u(s, t) — sf(u(s, /), v(s, /)) = 0 and v(st t) — tg(u(s, t), v(s, t)) = 0 in Q. Furthermore, let 1 — s— — s —